To be rich: a rare privilege to give in Jesus name.


Being rich in this world is wholly different from being rich towards God. Nothing is more uncertain and temporal than worldly wealth. Those who are rich, must see that God gives them their riches; and he only can give to enjoy them richly, for many have riches, but enjoy them poorly, not having a heart to use them. What is the best estate ? ( or any other high return investment in New-York stock Exchange?), more than as it gives opportunity of doing more good, in other words, to help and support others in their process to self-reliance; showing faith in Christ by fruits of love ( the choice to be kind, to sacrifice, to consider another needs greater than one’s own ). Let us lay hold on eternal life and avoid the trap of selfishness suggest by wealth by all means as a fashionable tool for POWER & FAME. Those who advance reason above faith in managing their incomes, are in danger of leaving faith. Grace includes all that is good and grace in an earnest, a beginning of Glory; whenever God gives grace, he will give glory.


Therefore these are some recommended previous ” Posts ” related to riches & faith in Jesus Christ:

  • faith in Jesus Christ: imitator’s welfare;
  • stable: the quality of a Christian’s heart;
  • the opening of the heart is the beginning of life;
  • Christians, men after God’s own heart;
  • a lifestyle of generosity: the genuine expression of love;
  • for our Father, we are the light of the world;
  • as we lust to perceive, love is the key;
  • do wealth means depression & immorality, blurred vision, etc…hw3

1 Timothy 6: 17 – 19 ” Charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God; who gives us richly all things to enjoy. That they do good that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. “

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